Turistii despre Sibiu

Zilnic ma trezesc dimineata si verific emailurile. Un set de emailuri il primesc de la Google cu ceea ce a gasit pe net continand cuvantul Sibiu. Mai ales in bloguri. Adesea aceste bloguri apartin turistilor straini care au trecut prin Sibiu. Astazi am dat de un post foarte interesant a unui cuplu englez ce strabate Europa intr-o „casuta mobila”. Iata ce impresii au ei despre Sibiu.
In primul rand au apreciat istoria si arhitectura orasului. Evident sunt niste simpli turisti si nu experti. Apreciaza frumosul si s-au documentat din timp despre Sibiu pentru a sti ce sa caute. Dar iata cateva fragmente din postul lor despre Sibiu citit de mine azi.

„We found the Council Tower and paid a small entrance fee to climb to the top. From here there is an excellent view over the city in all directions and also down to the three intersecting squares around the tower. These are a delight and reminded us of many Italian squares that we have visited – cafés and restaurants lined the edges, outside beautiful old buildings.”

Faptul ca pietele din centrul Sibiului le aminteste de pietele italiene am auzit-o de la foarte multi turisti. Este asta bine? Am pierdut cumva identitatea?

„We tried to find typical Romanian cuisine for lunch but failed because the city is dominated by Italian cuisine. In the end, we both had pizza although my Marinara was quite different from others that I have had in Italy and elsewhere. It had a large amount of garlic scattered in amongst the tuna and capers but I must say that it was delicious – I must try to reproduce it when we get home.”

Tineti minte postul meu despre Identitatea culinara a Sibiului? Ei, se pare ca am avut dreptate. Nu sunt primii turisti care vor sa manance romaneste si nu prea au unde. Si nu mai indicati Crama Sibiana care serveste Gordon Bleu, poate Crama Sibiul Vechi desi si acolo gasesti si produse importate.

„Sibiu is a very cosmopolitan city with large German and Hungarian speaking communities.”

Afirmatia asta m-a dat gata. Acum ori ghidul ce il foloseau e „scris” prost intentionat sau impresia asta a fost vazand centrul Sibiului si bisericile vizitate.

„After lunch we investigated the lower town and it was clear that, although much of the centre has restored and work is continuing, one only needs to move a few hundred metres away to find the more authentic city. This still has many historic buildings but they are in a poor state of repair and are inhabited by much poorer people. I suspect that. Given a few years, this area will also be ‘prettified’.”

Mi-a placut cuvantul folosit pentru a defini viitorul orasului de jos si, indirect, orasul de sus „pretified”. Exprima asa de multe din ceea ce sustin si eu!

In concluzie nu e de mirare ca primarului Johannis nu ii place de englezi asa cum a declarat in media locala ieri pentru ca au un ochi mai atent si mai critic. Voi ce credeti?