Pentru ca presa romaneasca, din diferite motive, minte, eludand tot adevarul va voi prezenta mai jos linkuri si cateva aspecte legate de cum au vazut criticii englezi piesa Faust a teatrului sibian prezentata saptamana trecuta la Festivalul de la Edinburgh. Am citit in presa centrala cum piesa este un real succes laudat de critici, dar pentru cititorul de presa britanica nu este chiar asa… De fapt doar UN critic a laudat piesa regizata de Silviu Purcarete, cel de la Guradian. Alti critici insa de la Independent si Telegraph au comentat negativ punerea in scena. Pana si cei de la Times (care au luat parte la selectarea initiala a pieselor prezente la Festival) au avut un comentariu indecis… criticul nu a putut trage o conluzie daca este un spectacol bun sau prost.
„You leave the theatre hung over from having binged so greedily on the rich visuals, but almost entirely unmoved by the simple purity of unaccompanied voices and the sweet songs of the doomed Gretchen, whose love redeems Faust. In Purcarete’s vision, hell is so much more exciting than heaven.”
„Actually, alas, this is all a huge damp squib. The acting isn’t great. The choreography is rough around the edges. And I couldn’t see anything, through the crowd, of Gretchen’s key scene in prison, prior to her salvation.”
„Nevertheless though this Faust often works as decadent spectacle, it seems a shabby way to treat one of the great masterpieces of world drama.”
„Confusing? At times. Stupendous? Yes.”