
Breaking news on Mazemania TV and press news: there is coruption in the country at Government level, says the President of the country. A foreigner would be shoked. An American would call his representative and ask questions, the Brits would write petiotions and ask for Government resegnation and probably the Italians would just see their bussiness as there is no news in this for them. So do the Mazemanians! In the last decade we heard so much about coruption so we became very relaxed when the president is saying that „groups of interests” (term that sounds bad in Mazemanian) of „mafia” type are pressuring the Government. Of course this was said before by different leaders in different circumstances. Different public offices were formed to fight coruption but the Coruption – as an evil action hero – escaped each time. Of course many say we need not an democratic institution as the Prosecutor’s Office to fight coruption but a good action hero to kill Coruption. If things would be so easy!! But they aren’t…

Coruption is like the hidden thought of most of Mazemanians that varies only from case to case depending only on the social-political status. Let’s say you offer to a middle class Mazemanian (they are so few!!) or better to a low class Mazemanian the chance to get rich over a month without working but only to pay some bribe to some officials. He will do it instantly! You don’t believe me?! Hmmm.. Let’s see. Remember early ’90s when the Caritas was invented in Mazemania ( a pyramid type investment plan which guaranteed to any person that invested a sum that would receive 8-times more in two weeks!! That’s a good investment plan!(sic!)). Cluj, the uncrowned capital of nationalism was the headquarters of this game. And tens of tousands of people from all over Mazemania came and sit in queues for the game. Of course innitially some won but after a short time EVERYBODY lost their investments. This is the mentality that Mazemanian have about getting rich quick. This event was no occasional and nobody learned anything from it. There were many other similar investments where thousands felt for suckers.

Do you want more arguments for the fact that coruption became a major part of the local culture? What does a Mazemanian before goes to the doctor, school teacher of his child, priest etc? He/she takes a envelope with cash to slip it in that persons hands or pocket. And those who can’t afford cash they bring coffee, cigarettes or chocolate. Lately this tehnique developed in 19th century and praised a lot in comunism I thought that will disaapear once the medical system is more and more privat and the lawyers charge per hour. But still Mazemanians, especially the elderly, are to be seen with the small gifts going even to the private clinique doctors where they have to pay legally!!! Plus they have medical insurance…

More arguments? How you resolve a paper work faster with the public organiations? You bring some coffee…Once when I was working for a local NGO and helped free of charge many foreign volunteers to get a visa for stayig longer in Mazemania, one American came to me to help him out to. He was sent to us by the Custom Dept. I was surprised as I was new on the job. But it seems that the ones prior to me in that position where familiar with such experiences. So I helped him anyway as he promised to volunteer to our organization too. When everything was finished and he received the visa he came to me with a bag containg coffee and chocolate. I was shocked!! An American paying bribe. I category refuse him and told him that maybe many Mazemanians do that but i surely don’t. He replied very shy and emberessed that he was told to do so by the Custom Dept. representatives. I didn’t asked him what he gave to the Custom Dept as it was clear he had given something…
So, Welcome to Mazemania! where the Coruption is everywhere from the poorest to the richest, from the youngest to the oldest.

By Podul